
Fitment and Pouch Testing

Fitment pouch testing is an imperative part of the of the overall pouch fitment and inserting process. Over the years, there has been little to no testing when it comes to consistency, strength or quality for the custom spouted pouch market. All standards are left up to the discretion of the company, and because there is little to no data out there, most create their standards for spouted pouches using common pouch failure as the benchmark.

Because most companies default to the failure of a product as the indicator, they set the machines to these parameters and generally don’t make adjustments. As an experienced company within the industry, HQC knows that this standard ends up being lower quality than what could be achieved with further fitment pouch testing.

Fitment pouch lid

At HQC, we set up our levels on each machine and then adjust according to the results we are getting within those parameters during spouted pouch testing.

Through this sampling we can determine which seal strength is optimized for the combination of fitments, the pouch and the seal strength. In doing so, we can ensure that our standard is a level above our competitors, right off the bat.

When it comes to determining our parameters, we need to know and understand what goes into the pouch, how it will be used, how it is filled during production, and what other external environments during shipping and storage that pouch may be exposed to. This is why customer involvement is critical to the success of the spouted pouch and fitment testing. HQC works closely with our customers because we know that it helps to take the guessing out of the pouch testing process.

There are so many variants when it comes to fitment pouch testing and inserting, that these answers are crucial for us to begin working on your project. For example, with baby food pouches the product is drawn out, and a quart of oil in a pouch has different requirements than that of a powder product. Even the difference in transporting cold oil as opposed to warm oils causes different stressors. The answers to these specific questions help us during fitment testing and pouch testing to ensure that we get achieve a higher level of consistency, strength and quality.

Once we’ve collected all the necessary data, we begin fitment pouch testing. Here are just a few of the tests we perform here at HQC: burst testing, drops tests, vacuum chamber, and tilted fitment testing. All of these situations can occur outside of HQC and so we are always working to ensure that they don’t have a negative effect on any of the supply chain.

During our inserting processes, we are always recording heat, time and pressure in order to verify settings for consistency. Our equipment safeties act as additional fail-safe, to stop our machines when certain parameters are out of a safe range. This system of measuring and ensuring quality means that we remain committed to a superior level of service and product.

For HQC, the final part of fitment testing and pouch testing is via third party auditors for food safety and medical devices. These audits review what we say we are doing, and they verify that we actually do it. Without third party audits like these, there is a very little accountability for other manufacturers.

With our wealth of knowledge and extensive experience within the industry we hope to raise the bar when it comes to the standards for spouted pouches and fitment pouch testing!

We welcome the opportunity to discuss how our fitment and pouch testing can enhance your food, cosmetic, personal care or nutraceutical product.

Contact us at 630.820.5550 for more information today.